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Complex validation behaviors can be achieved combining the Form-level validation and the Field-level validation, controlling when each of those should occur.

Form-level validation#

Pass a onValidate function to useForm():

const form = useForm({
initialValues: { name: "", email: "" },
onValidate: (values) => {
let errors: FormErrors = {}
if ( === 0) { = "Name is required."
if ( === 0) { = "Email is required."
return errors

onValidate receives the values of the form and should return an object whose keys are the field names (with dot notation) and the value is string | string[] | undefined:

  • string in case of a single error message
  • string[] in case of multiple error messages
  • undefined means no error

For example:

onValidate: (values) => {
return {
name: undefined,
email: [
"Email is not a valid email",
"Email should be a maximum of 20 characters long",

In this case, name has no errors and email has 2 errors.


You can use any validation library you prefer (as yup, zod, or joi). Then you should convert the errors provided by your validation library into an object whose keys are the field names (with dot notation) and the value is string | string[] | undefined.

Async validation#

onValidate can be an async function:

onValidate: async (values) => {
// Call an API, for example
const errors = await MyApi.fetchErrors(values)
return errors


In case of async validation (that calls an API, for example), it would be convenient to debounce the validation in order to avoid calling the API too frequently. Pass a validateDebounce prop to useForm():

const form = useForm({
// ...
validateDebounce: true,
onValidate: async (values) => {
// Call an API, for example
const errors = await MyAPI.fetchErrors(values)
return errors

validateDebounce is of type: boolean | number | { wait?: number; leading?: boolean }

If you pass:

  • false: debounce will not be active (as per default)
  • true: debounce will be active, with default values for wait (300) and leading (false)
  • a number: debounce will be active with wait as the number you passed, and leading false
  • a { wait?: number; leading?: boolean } object: debounce will be active with the values you passed

When does form validation run?#

  • When you submit the form.
  • When a field value changes - if validateOnChange is true (true by default).
  • When a blur event occurs - if validateOnBlur is true (false by default).
  • When you imperatively ask for it - with form.validate().

validateOnChange and validateOnBlur are two booleans you can pass to useForm():

const form = useForm({
// ...
validateOnChange: false,
validateOnBlur: true,
// ...

In this case, validation will run when a blur event occurs and when the form is submitted.

Field-level validation#

Pass a validate function to useField() or <Field/>:

useField("email", {
// ...
validate: (value, values) => {
if (value.length === 0) {
return "Email is required"
} else if (value.length > 20) {
return "Email should be a maximum of 20 characters long"
} else {
return undefined
// or
validate={(value, values) => {
// your validation function
{(field) => (/* ... */)}

validate receives the value of the field and the values of the form, and it should return a value of type string | string[] | undefined.

  • string in case of a single error message
  • string[] in case of multiple error messages
  • undefined means no error

Async validation#

validate can be an async function:

useField("email", {
// ...
validate: async (value, values) => {
// Call an API, for example
const error = await MyAPI.fetchIsEmailValid(value)
return error


Similarly to form validation you can pass a validateDebounce value.

When does field validation run?#

  • When the form validation runs, also field-level validations run - errors will be merged
  • When the field value changes - if validateOnChange is true (false by default).
  • When other field values change - if validateOnChangeFields is passed.
  • When the field blur event occurs - if validateOnBlur is true (false by default).
  • When you imperatively ask for it - with field.validate().

validateOnChange and validateOnBlur are two booleans you can pass to useField() (or to <Field />):

const field = useField("email", {
// ...
validateOnChange: true,
validateOnBlur: false,
// ...

Field level's validateOnChange and validateOnBlur are independent from Form level's validateOnChange and validateOnBlur. You can mix them to achieve different behaviors of validation.

For example you can turn off validateOnChange and validateOnBlur on the form, and turn on only validateOnChange on a specific field. The result will be that the whole form validation will run only on submit, and the validation of that specific field will run while changing the value of the field.


In case your form validation is turned off (form validateOnChange is false) but you want your field be validated every time other fields change, then you should use the validateOnChangeFields options:

useField("confirmEmail", {
validateOnChangeFields: ["email"],
validate: (value, values) => {
if (value !== {
return "Confirm email should be equal to email"
} else {
return undefined

In this way, while the user is typing into the email field, the error appears in the confirmEmail field, complaining that the two emails are not equal.


If you pass a validateOnChangeFields value that is not undefined, field's validateOnChange is automatically considered true unless you set it to false.