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Hook to easily manage a single field.

import { useField } from "@mozartspa/mobx-form"


function useField(name: string, options: UseFieldOptions = {}): UseFieldResult


Configuration to pass to useField()


form?: Form<Values> | undefined

The form instance this field should be bound to. If not specified, it will be used the form instance available in FormContext.


format?: (value: T) => any

A function that takes the value from the form values and formats the value to give to the input (that will be exposed by UseFieldResult.input.value). Common use cases include converting javascript Date values into a localized date string. Almost always used in conjunction with parse.


parse?: (value: any) => T

A function that takes the value from the input and converts the value into the value you want stored as this field's value in the form. Common usecases include converting strings into Numbers or parsing localized dates into actual javascript Date objects. Almost always used in conjuction with format.


parseOnBlur?: (value: any) => T

The same as parse but it is called only when the field is blurred.


validate?: (value: T, values: Values) => (string | string[] | undefined) | Promise<string | string[] | undefined>

A function that receives the value of the field and the values of the form, and it should return a value of type string | string[] | undefined.

  • string in case of a single error message
  • string[] in case of multiple error messages
  • undefined means no error

The function can be async.

In case it throws an error, the message of the error will be used as the error of the field.


validateDebounce?: boolean | number | { wait?: number; leading?: boolean }

Value that tells if validation debounce should be active and how:

  • false: debounce will not be active (as per default)
  • true: debounce will be active, with default values for wait (300) and leading (false)
  • a number: debounce will be active with wait as the number you passed, and leading false
  • a { wait?: number; leading?: boolean } object: debounce will be active with the values you passed


validateOnChange?: boolean

Whether or not to validate the field every time the field's value changes. false by default.


validateOnBlur?: boolean

Whether or not to validate the field when the field is blurred. false by default.


validateOnChangeFields?: string[]

Array of field names that should trigger validation of this field whenever they change. If you pass a value that is not undefined, validateOnChange is automatically considered true unless you set it to false.


It is returned by useField() and represents the field instance that gives access to props and methods to easily manage the field.


It's an object of type:

name: string
readonly value: T
onBlur: (event: React.FocusEvent) => void
onChange: (event: React.ChangeEvent<any>) => void
  • name is the name of the field.
  • value is the current value of the field in the form values.
  • onBlur is a function that, when called, informs the form instance that this field has been touched.
  • onChangeis a function that, when called, changes the value of the field extrapolating the new value from the React.ChangeEvent event it receives.

Usually, this input object is spread into the input element props:

<input type="text" {...field.input} />


name: string

The name of the field.


value: T

The value of the field.


isTouched: boolean

true if the field has been touched by the user.


error: string | undefined

The first error of the field, if any.


errors: string[] | undefined

The errors of the field, if any.


isValid: boolean

true if the field has no errors.


isDirty: boolean

true if the field has a different value than the initial value.


isValidating: boolean

true if the field validation is running.


form: Form

The Form instance this field is bound to.


setValue: (value: T) => void

Sets the value of the field.


setTouched: (isTouched?: boolean) => void

Sets if the field should be considered touched.


setError: (error: FieldError) => void

Sets the error of the field.


addError: (error: FieldError) => void

Adds an error to the field. It will be merged with the current error of the field.


validate(): Promise<string | string[] | undefined>

Performs field validation. It returns a Promise that is resolved with the errors of the field.