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Main hook to create a form instance.

import { useForm } from "@mozartspa/mobx-form"


useForm(config: FormConfig): UseFormResult


Configuration to pass to useForm()


initialValues?: Values | (() => Values)

The initial values of the form. You can pass directly the values or a function that returns the values.


validateOnChange?: boolean

If true, the form will be validated every time any field changes. By default it is true.


validateOnBlur?: boolean

If true, the form will be validated every time a blur event occurs. By default it is false.


onValidate?: (values: Values) => FormErrors | Promise<FormErrors>

Callback that is called to validate the form. It receives the values of the form and it should return an object whose keys are the field names (with dot notation) and the value is string | string[] | undefined. It can be an async function.


validateDebounce?: boolean | number | { wait?: number; leading?: boolean }

Value that tells if validation debounce should be active and how:

  • false: debounce will not be active (as per default)
  • true: debounce will be active, with default values for wait (300) and leading (false)
  • a number: debounce will be active with wait as the number you passed, and leading false
  • a { wait?: number; leading?: boolean } object: debounce will be active with the values you passed


onSubmit?: (values: Values) => void | FormErrors | Promise<void | FormErrors>

Callback that is called when submitting the form. It receives the values of the form and can return form errors as onValidate. If it returns an errors object, these errors will be set to the form.


onFailedSubmit?: () => void

Callback that is called when trying to submit the form but there are validation errors that prevents the submission to continue. It gives the chance to show a notification to the user saying that there are errors that should be solved.


It is what useForm() returns. It is a Form instance with two additional components: <Form/> and <FormContext/>.

type UseFormResult<Values> = Form<Values> & {
FormContext: React.FC<{}>
Form: React.FC<FormProps>


It's the form instance.


values: Values

The current values of the form. Its reference changes whenever a value of the form changes, even in deep nested values. Therefore, it can be used as dependency in useEffect().


observableValues: Values

The mobx-observable current values of the form. It has a stable reference, even if the values change. Therefore, don't use it as a dependency.


errors: FormErrors

The current errors of the form. It's an object whose keys are the field names (with dot notation) and the value is string | string[] | undefined.


touched: FormTouched

The current fields touched by the user. It's an object whose keys are the field names (with dot notation) and the value is boolean | undefined.


isSubmitting: boolean

true if the form is submitting.


isValidating: boolean

true if the form is validating.


isDirty: boolean

true if the values are different from the initialValues.


isValid: boolean

true if there are errors.


setErrors(errors: FormErrors): void

Sets the errors of the form. errors should be an object whose keys are the field names (with dot notation) and the value is string | string[] | undefined.


setTouched(touched: FormTouched): void

Sets the touche fields of the form. touched should be an object whose keys are the field names (with dot notation) and the value is boolean | undefined.


setValues(values: Values): void

Sets the values of the form.


setFieldValue(field: string, value: any): void

Sets the value of a field.


setFieldError(field: string, message: string | string[] | undefine): void

Sets the error of a field.


addFieldError(field: string, message: string | string[] | undefine): void

Adds an error to a field. It will be merged with the current error of the field.


setFieldTouched(field: string, isTouched?: boolean): void

Sets if a field should be considered touched.


getFieldValue(field: string): any

Gets the value of a field.


getFieldError(field: string): string | undefined

Gets the first error of a field, if any.


getFieldErrors(field: string): string[] | undefined

Gets the errors of a field, if any.


isFieldTouched(field: string): boolean

Returns true if a field has been touched by the user.


isFieldValid(field: string): boolean

Returns true if the field has no error.


isFieldValid(field: string): boolean

Returns true if the field has a different value than the initial value


validate(): Promise<FormErrors>

Performs form validation. It returns a Promise that is resolved with the errors.


validateField(field: string): Promise<string | string[] | undefined>

Performs field validation. It returns a Promise that is resolved with the errors of the field.


reset(values?: Values): void

Resets the form values to the initial values. If you pass a value as argument, that value will be used as initial values.


resetField(field: string, value?: any): void

Resets the value of the field to the initial value. If you pass a value as second argument, that value will be used as initial value.


submit(): Promise<FormErrors>

Performs form submission. It returns a Promise that is resolved with the errors of the form.


handleSubmit(e?: React.FormEvent<HTMLFormElement>): Promise<FormErrors>

Similar to submit but it can receive a submit event that will be default prevented.


handleReset(e?: React.SyntheticEvent<any>): void

Similar to reset but it can receive a reset event that will be default prevented.


register: (field: string, registrant: FieldRegistrant<any, Values>) => Disposer

Used internally by useField in order to register itself to the form.


freeze: () => void

It freezes the form values, preventing them to be changed: reset, resetField, setFieldValue and setValues methods do nothing when the form is freezed.


unfreeze: () => void

It unfreezes the form values.


isFreezed: boolean

Whether the form is freezed.