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When does form submission run?#

The form is submitted when:

  • <Form /> exposed by useForm() is used and it receives a form submit event.
  • form.submit() is called.
  • form.handleSubmit(event) is called passing a form submit event.

What happens during form submission?#

When a form is submitted:

  • All the fields in the form values are touched.
  • Form validation runs.
  • If there are errors: those errors are set, submission stops, and onFailedSubmit callback is called.
  • Otherwise onSubmit callback is called with the validated values of the form.
  • If onSubmit returns form errors, those errors are set to the form.


Let's see an example:

import React from "react"
import { observer } from "mobx-react-lite"
import { useField, useForm } from "@mozartspa/mobx-form"
const App = observer(() => {
const form = useForm({
initialValues: {
name: "",
onValidate: (values) => {
return {
name: === "" ? "Name is required" : undefined,
onSubmit: async (values) => {
// Call API passing form values
const apiErrors = await MyAPI.updateMyModel(values)
// Convert API errors to a FormError shape:
// (object whose keys are field names and value is `string | string[]ย | undefined`).
// This function should be written by you, considering the shape of your API errors.
const formErrors = convertApiErrorsToFormErrors(apiErrors)
return formErrors
onFailedSubmit: () => {
// Uh-oh. Validation failed before submitting.
// Here we have the chance to show the user a notification.
const nameField = useField("name", { form })
return (
<form onSubmit={form.handleSubmit}>
<input type="text" {...nameField.input} />
{nameField.isTouched && nameField.error}
<button type="submit">Submit</button>
export default App

When we press the submit button, the form submission starts.

In case we have not filled in the name field:

  • onValidate returns a form error
  • this error is set to the form
  • submission stops
  • onFailedSubmit is called

Instead, if we have filled in the name field, onSubmit is called and:

  • if our API returns some api errors:
    • these errors are converted to a FormError shape, and returned by onSubmit
    • these converted errors are set to the form
    • the user sees these errors in the form
  • otherwise everyone is happy, and this form made its job!